Dr Anna Does Community Support

~ Help us to inspire the next generation with STEM ~

Dr Anna Does wants to help children from all backgrounds and abilities to have access to some form of STEM-based activity. Unfortunately, funding is not always available but Dr Anna Does has registered a community support page with Easyfundraising, so we can raise funds to subsidise local clubs and societies.

Dr Anna Does will donate our time for free for charity and/or volunteer groups. We will then use the Easyfundraising funds raised to subsidise up to 50% of the disposable resources required for their chosen sessions enabling children to have the full STEM-based experience regardless of circumstances. Each local group will be able to apply of a subsidised session once every academic year. If there are more requests than available funds, those that have not received previous subsidised resources will get preferred selection over groups that have already benefited to ensure fair distribution of limited funds.  

Just get in touch if you have a session in mind and would like to apply for a subsidised Dr Anna Does session.


Donated microscopes 2024


Easyfundraising cause