~ Space ~
Recommended for Foundation Reception classes
~ Make it safe for Novice Astronaut Marshmallow to travel in space! ~
The Dr Anna Does curriculum theme of ‘Space’ fits into the ‘Understanding the world’ and ‘The natural world’ sections of the Learning and Development (L&D) and Early Learning Goals (ELG) sections in the Foundation Reception stage from the National Curriculum. To help the children make sense of the physical world and their community, we investigate how Space relates to us on Earth. By using the four STEM elements with an extension section, we aim to enhance the children’s understanding of Space, building on the schools usual teaching of the Solar system, famous astronauts, and gravity by introducing technological and engineering advancements to show how we have managed to get into an area that is so inhospitable to humans compared to our relatively safe Earth. We aim to make the experience more engaging by getting the children to interact with the resources and investigate how we get around the problems experienced in space so that we can travel their safely.
See below for a cost breakdown and a lesson plan of what to expect during a Dr Anna Does Space session.
Free resources ~
Free resources ~
Do it yourself resources ~