Cranford Park Young Archaeologists’ Club

Cranford Park, The Parkway

Hounslow, TW5 9RZ

Cranford Park Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC) is a free club for children between 8yrs and 16yrs of age. Based at Cranford Park, you meet up once a month to try out all sorts of archaeological activities, including visiting and investigating archaeological sites and historic places, trying out traditional crafts, and taking part in excavations.

Unearthing Cranford Park’s ice store

Learning about the Cranford site

Cranford park itself has a diverse range of wildlife and habitats ranging from wildflower meadows, grassland and ornamental woodland, to the wetland of the River Crane, which runs its entire length. Much of it is a Conservation Area, with several Grade II Listed buildings, including medieval St. Dunstan’s Church, an extensive Ha-Ha and the 18th century Stable Block and Cellars of former Cranford House (demolished 1945). It features in the London Parks & Gardens Trust’s ‘Inventory of Historic Green Spaces’ and is currently undergoing improvements to and restoration of Cranford’s natural and historical features with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Further information about Hillingdon’s history and hertitage, including upcoming events and activities can be found here

Trying out digging at a Hillingdon site

To find out more about Cranford YAC, please contact Paul McGarrity. To find out more about Cranford Park, please contact Cranford Park Friends or visit Hillingdon councils website. To find out more about the Young Archaeologists’ club, please visit their website.


The Francis Crick Visitors Centre