Dr Anna Does

~ Inspiring the next generation with STEM ~

Dr Anna Does is a West London based primary school facilitator. We use our scientific and research backgrounds to help primary school teachers meet their national curriculum requirements for Foundation, KS1 and KS2 age groups.

Please browse the curriculum themes we cover.

~ 'We are so lucky to have her' KS2 TA ~

~ 'I wish she could teach us every day!' KS2 child ~

~ 'She is willing to admit when it is not her expertise but will give the children ideas on how to answer those questions themselves' KS1 Teacher ~

~ 'I can't wait to see what we will be doing next year!' KS2 child

~ 'We are so lucky to have her' KS2 TA ~ ~ 'I wish she could teach us every day!' KS2 child ~ ~ 'She is willing to admit when it is not her expertise but will give the children ideas on how to answer those questions themselves' KS1 Teacher ~ ~ 'I can't wait to see what we will be doing next year!' KS2 child