~ Do It Yourself Resources ~
Recommended for schools/charities/clubs with limited funding
~ Do you what to carry out one of our curriculum themes but can’t afford to have us do it? ~
We provide a lesson plan breakdown for each curriculum theme, along with any useful links to related images and videos, on its respective page. So, if you prefer to give the lesson yourself, you can use these resources to make up your own session. If you prefer to have physical resources without us providing a presentation, we can also provide them as a DIY kit. Costs, while cheaper than hiring Dr Anna Does for a session, are dependent on the type of resource and the amount required.
See below for a list of available Do It Yourself kits.
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources
Do it yourself resources