~ Hearts ~
Recommended for Key Stage Two: e.g. Year six classes
~ How does the heart move blood and oxygen around the body? ~
The Dr Anna Does curriculum theme of ‘Hearts’ fits into the ‘Animals including humans’ and ‘Living things and their habitats’ programme of study sections from the Key Stage Two stage of the National Curriculum. To help the children investigate the classification system in more detail, we will look at circulation in different animals and compare them to humans and plants. We introduce the children to the latest in medical research where computer modelling is used to help solve heart disease. The children also look at the external and internal structure of a bisected heart to see how circulation flows through the heart chambers and how it could go wrong in some diseases. By using the four STEM elements with an extension section, we aim to enhance the children’s understanding of Hearts, and while building on the schools usual teaching of human and animal bodies, get the children to see how they can improve their own heart health to help prevent possible heart disease problems.
See below for a cost breakdown and a lesson plan of what to expect during a Dr Anna Does hearts session.