~ Brains ~

Recommended for Key Stage Two: e.g. Year Five classes

~ Why are our brains like a computer? Do they need maintenance too? ~

The Dr Anna Does curriculum theme of ‘Brains’ fits into the principle of enabling the children to develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas and question them against their current knowledge of the core programmes of study to make a more systematic interaction between their different subjects. By looking at different stages of human development and the history of brain function, this session also touches on the ‘Animals, including humans’, and ‘Non-statutory study of British history’ study sections from the Key Stage Two stage of the National Curriculum. To help the children investigate their brains, the children will observe herbivore and omnivore brains and skulls to compare and contrast brain function with physical structure. By using the four STEM elements with an extension section, we aim to enhance the children’s understanding of Brains, building on the schools usual teaching of the core programmes of study and show them how brains are not static organs but fully interactive structures that require maintenance and stimulation throughout their life.

See below for a cost breakdown and a lesson plan of what to expect during a Dr Anna Does Brains session.




~ 'I want to touch it for real!' Yr5 child ~

~ 'Why can't we do this again?' Yr5 child ~

~ 'This is even better than making DNA.' Yr5 child ~

~ 'I want to touch it for real!' Yr5 child ~ ~ 'Why can't we do this again?' Yr5 child ~ ~ 'This is even better than making DNA.' Yr5 child ~



