~ Taste ~
Recommended for Key Stage One: e.g. Year One classes
~ Do you know how you really taste food? Does the tongue actually work alone? ~
The Dr Anna Does curriculum theme of ‘Taste’ fits into the ‘Animals including humans’ section of the Key Stage One science programmes of study of the National Curriculum. To help the children identify the differences between the basic body parts and their five senses, we look at how each sense works with specific body parts. By using the four STEM elements with an extension section, we aim to enhance the children’s understanding of Taste, building on the schools usual teaching of the human body and phonics, by showing how scientific and biological advancements have helped us understand how use our tongue for more than just tasting food. We investigate the relationship between the mouth and tongue and see how they work together to make different sounds. We also investigate the tongue on a life-sized and microscopic scale to see how the different body parts work together to compare different textures, sounds and smells so that our sense of taste works correctly.
See below for a cost breakdown and a lesson plan of what to expect during a Dr Anna Does Taste session.
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