~ Teeth ~
Recommended for Key Stage One: e.g. Year Two classes
~ How do our teeth make it possible to stay fit and healthy? ~
The Dr Anna Does curriculum theme of ‘Teeth’ fits into the ‘Animals including humans’ and ‘Living things and their habitats’ programme of study sections from the Key Stage One stage of the National Curriculum. To help the children investigate their body, we look at the structure of the tooth and how it works for eating, talking and swallowing. The children will observe different teeth and skulls from various animals to compare and contrast their function with human teeth. By using the four STEM elements with an extension section, we aim to enhance the children’s understanding of Teeth, building on the schools usual teaching of the human and animal bodies by grouping the teeth types by what they eat and show them how we have to look after our teeth to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the whole of your life.
See below for a cost breakdown and a lesson plan of what to expect during a Dr Anna Does Teeth session.